
Air pollution reductions

Transcript: Traffic filters are projected to decrease NO2 levels in 90% of monitored locations in Oxford! That’s a lot less NO2 in areas where people are living, working, shopping, and walking around. Why does this matter? Because air pollution harms all of us! It causes low birth weight in infants, asthma and development problems in children, heart and lung disease, stroke and cancer in adults, and dementia in older adults. NO2 modelling from the 2022 Oxford Traffic Filters Scheme Air Quality Modelling Report: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/file/roads-and-transport-connecting-oxfordshire/Oxford_Traffic_Filters_Scheme_Air_Quality_report.pdf. Information on air pollution effects from Public Health England’s Health Matters: Air Pollution: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-matters-air-pollution/health-matters-air-pollution.


Average number of cars per household is rising


Air pollution reductions 2