Does the media help or hinder the active travel debate? Roger Harrabin and Jamie Clarke discuss

Does the media help or hinder the active travel debate? Roger Harrabin and Jamie Clarke discuss

Traffic issues have proved highly contentious in recent times. To what extent is the media responsible for fanning the flames? Former BBC journalist Roger Harrabin and international climate communications expert (and Oxfordian!) Jamie Clarke will talk on the role of the media in shaping public opinion on car use, active travel and climate measures. How do we break the cycle of 'outrage-clicks' and hold genuine conversations, while reflecting the range of views?

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Traffic filters: What travel choices will we have in North Oxford?

Traffic filters: What travel choices will we have in North Oxford?

The traffic filters are coming this autumn! How will they affect you if you live in North Oxford? Will you need to change your travel habits? Zuhura Plummer of Oxfordshire Liveable Streets will take a practical, jargon-free look at the filters, focusing on how they'll work locally, how to apply for the free passes/exemptions, and what choices you'll have once the filters are in. Carey Newson of Low Carbon Oxford North will also talk about the Oxford Car Free Challenge, where 12 Oxford residents will try living car free for three weeks.

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